Become a monthly member, for discounted rates.

Become a monthly member, for discounted rates.




Customized Massage

Indulge in a personalized massage experience like no other. Our custom massages cater to your preferences, adjusting focus areas and pressure levels to ensure ultimate relaxation and relief.

  • 60 min - $120.00
  • 75 min - $140.00
  • 90 min - $170.00

Targeted Massage

Experience transformative healing with our targeted medical massage. Designed for injuries, we employ specialized techniques and stretching to aid recovery and alleviate pain. Prioritizing your recovery.

  • 30 min - $70.00
  • 45 min - $90.00

Wellness Massage

Elevate your well-being with our holistic wellness massage. Boost your immune system, release trapped emotions, and harness relief through ear seeding to ensure lasting relief that stays with you.

  • 90 min - $200.00

Prenatal Massage

Nurture both mother and baby with our prenatal massage. Enhancing psychological, structural, and emotional well-being. Balance hormones, improve sleep, alleviate pain, and foster calmness, ensuring a serene pregnancy journey.

  • 60 min - $120.00
  • 75 min - $140.00
  • 90 min - $170.00


Benefits of Cupping Therapy

The negative pressure of cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system. Cupping can relieve back and neck pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, and migraines.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can help manage pain, reduce stress, anxiety, and agitation, treat headaches and migraines, and ease discomfort.

Benefits of Heated Stones

Heated Stones can melt away tension, ease muscle tension and stiffness, and increase blood flow and metabolism while creating a feeling of deep relaxation.

Benefits of Headache Treatment

The Headache Treatment can resolve pain and tension from headaches, ease muscle pain, and gives a cooling sensation.

Benefits of CBD Balm

Our CBD has no THC or psychoactive component to it. CBD can reduce inflammation, increase mental clarity, reduce pain, and ease depression and anxiety.


Aromatherapy can help manage pain, reduce stress, anxiety, agitation, treat headaches and migraines, and ease discomfort Benefits of Heated Stones: Heated Stones can melt away tension, ease muscle tension and stiffness, increase blood flow and metabolism while creating a feeling of deep relaxation.

  • $8.00


Our CBD has no THC or psychoactive component to it. CBD can reduce inflammation, increase mental clarity, reduce pain and ease depression and anxiety

  • $10.00

Cooling Muscle Balm

This CBD Muscle Balm infused with essential oils takes the hot and cold sensation of menthol and elevates your massage experience by relaxing your muscles, easing the mind, and comforting any aches.

  • $10.00

Cupping Therapy

The negative pressure of cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system. Cupping can relieve back and neck pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, and migraines

  • $10.00

Gua Sha

Prenatal Massage supports the physiologic, structural, and emotional well-being of mother and baby. It also aids in hormone balance, reduction of swelling, better sleep, and reduced: back pain, joint pain, edema, muscle tension as well as stress, and anxiety.

  • $15.00

Headache Treatment

The Headache Treatment can resolve pain and tension from headaches, ease muscle pain and gives a cooling sensation.

  • $5.00

Heated Stones

Heated Stones can melt away tension, ease muscle tension and stiffness, increase blood flow and metabolism while creating a feeling of deep relaxation.

  • $5.00

Silent Appointment

Prenatal Massage supports the physiologic, structural, and emotional well-being of mother and baby. It also aids in hormone balance, reduction of swelling, better sleep, and reduced: back pain, joint pain, edema, muscle tension as well as stress, and anxiety.

  • Shhh.

It's more than massage,

it's the gift of self-care.